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Modular Fabrication & Transport
SIPC in alliance with major design, manufacturing and project management organizations in
China and Hong Kong can provide a range of prefabricated engineering products and building
solutions to suit customer specification and requirements
SIPC is currently working on projects for S.E. Asia in which the majority of the buildings in
the new township development will be designed to be constructed as prefabricated modules
enabling them to be built off site using mature manufacturing technology within a factory
environment, with high level quality assurance and to the relevant Building Codes.
Prefabrication is a proven alternative to traditional construction method and is delivered to
the site complete with finishes, fit out and furniture to suit the project’s requirements.
Their design incorporates the key structural elements of the building.
The modules can be fitted out and include a bathroom, living room, bedroom and kitchen
including all wiring, lighting, plumbing, mechanical services, air conditioning, electrical
and kitchen equipment. Also incorporating fit-out items such as furniture, white goods and
entertainment systems.
Value Proposition
The decision to build modular is summarized as follows:-
Time Saving – over 60% saving on traditional project timeline.
Cost Saving – 10-25% saving over traditional constructions methods.
Labor Saving – up to 85% saving on the amount of labor required on site over traditional
constructions methods. Very effective for locations that has a very low skilled labor force
and the skilled labor is in high demand for the competing mining infrastructure projects.
Services Installation – All services installed internally within the module in the factory.
Onsite installation requires a simple connection to on-site services at a minimum cost and
skilled labor requirements.
Supply Chain – Manufacturing is based in an existing mature supply and logistics networks and
uses some of the most efficient transportation on the planet. There is a reduction in material
kilometers required (the distance products have to come to site) as the modules arrive
Installation - Simple, quick and non-technical site installation.
Supply Chain – Manufacturing is based in an existing mature supply and logistics networks and
uses some of the most efficient transportation on the planet. There is a reduction in material
kilometers required (the distance products have to come to site) as the modules arrive
Demountable – The modules can be quickly disassembled with the minimum of skilled labor, and
potentially resold to third parties or relocated to new locations – this has a high ESD value
Manufacturing Technology – Using intelligent manufacturing systems as standard the energy
consumption for the module construction can be reduced.
Material Waste – There is lower waste produced in the factory compared to on site this reduces
or eliminates amount of waste going to landfill.
Sustainability – The latest environmental standards, ratings and materials can be incorporated
into the design with cutting edge interiors and wall construction the thermal performance
reduces the energy needed to cool the modules. Modular construction contributes to a more
environmental friendly and lower carbon footprint construction project.
Weather –The modular solution minimises the exposure to many of the logistical and weather
related delays that are commonly encountered on projects.
Security – The site, staff and construction material security can be improved with modular
construction. With less materials being transported and less handling of individual products
there is a reduced risk of theft or damage onsite.
Cyclone and Earthquake Rated Design – The modules can be constructed to meet the cyclone and
earthquake rating requirements if required.
Typical Modules under development for S.E. Asia location.
Hotel Villas
Hotel Block
Residential Housing
Procurement Principles
The use of modular construction is increasing in popularity, saving time and money while also
being safer, cleaner, and more environmentally friendly.
The base modules can be manufactured to the client’s specific requirements in China to the
exacting standards of ISO 9001 under supervision of registered consultants that manage,
oversee and test all fabrication and fit out and coordinate with the onsite installation
Modules can be fabricated from high tensile, corrosion resistant coated steel and finishes
materials that are compliant with International Standards. The walls, floors and ceilings are
insulated to current building regulations, fire standards and provide excellent acoustic and
thermal performance. Modules are fabricated in a factory environment that improves quality
control and lowers defect rates.
Sourcing Manufacturers
There are a number of modular manufacturers in China that consider themselves capable of
providing the type of modules required however, there are only a limited number of suppliers
capable of achieving the project requirements in terms of quality and the numbers of modules
to be manufactured is a relatively short period of time.
Transport, Shipping and Delivery
The Modules are shipped by ocean freight from China to port close to site location. Upon
arriving the modules are cleared through customs and then unloaded where they are transferred
to a secure storage yard at the project site until the construction team is ready to install
the module.
The modules shall be transported from the secure storage to their final location, where they
are lifted onto pre-prepared structural footings and then connected to utilities and
infrastructure. The exterior is finished with the architectural facade and roof and on
completion. When completed, there is no visual difference between modular and traditional
construction. Assembly is simple, fast, safe and built on industry standard foundation
systems. The design allows for a rapid assembly with a simple and fail-safe locking mechanism
resulting in improved safety with fewer on site components and activities in comparison with
traditional construction methods.
Environmentally Sustainable Design
The use of modular construction embodies certain inherent sustainability advantages to meet
the triple bottom line of social, economic and environmental costs.
The advantages include:
• The modules are totally reusable, can be disconnected and moved to a new location
• Reduced production of greenhouse gas emissions (particularly carbon dioxide);
• Reduced use of natural resources, in particular water, gas and electricity;
• Enhanced building occupant health, comfort and safety
• The use of existing mature supply and logistics networks and use some of the most
efficient transportation on the planet
• Using intelligent manufacturing systems as standard the energy consumption for the
module construction can be reduced
• There is lower waste produced in the factory compared to on site this reduces the
amount of materials going to site reducing or eliminate the amount of waste going to landfill
• The latest environmental standards, ratings and materials can be incorporated into the
• With cutting edge interiors and wall construction the thermal performance reduces the
energy needed to cool the modules
• There is a reduction in material kilometers required (the distance products have to
come to site) as the modules arrive complete
All of these advantages of modular construction contribute to a more environmental friendly
and lower carbon footprint construction project.
Environmental Policy
We are committed to protecting the environment and working towards sustainable development
across its operations. Continuous improvement will be achieved by setting measurable aims and
objectives, assigning environmental responsibilities and communication outcome to all
interested parties.
Consultation on environmental matters and procedures will involve all appropriate stakeholders
and contractors involved in the modular manufacturing and transportation.
Modular Fabrication
SIPC in alliance with major design, manufacturing and project management organizations in China and Hong Kong can provide a range of prefabricated engineering products and building solutions to suit customer specification and requirements.
SIPC is currently working on projects for S.E. Asia in which the buildings will be designed to be constructed as prefabricated modules enabling them to be built off site using mature manufacturing technology within a factory environment, with high level quality assurance and to the relevant Building Codes.
Prefabrication is a proven alternative methodlogy to traditional construction method, delivered to the site complete with finishes, fit out and furniture to suit the project’s requirements.
Modules can be fully fitted out, including bathrooms, living area, bedrooms and kitchen including all wiring, lighting, plumbing, mechanical services, air conditioning, electrical and kitchen equipment.